Teachers of the Harmonisers Path

Jo Rushton

Jo Rushton


Teaches: The Harmonisers

Class starts: Next Level 1 class starts April 14 2024 at 6am Sydney time.

Classes held: Level 1 Path of the One Heart classes will be held 2nd Sunday of each month (starts April 14 2024) from 6-10am.
Harmonisers Level 1 will be held 3rd Sunday of each month (starting April 21 2024) from 6-10am.

More About Jo
Har Nal

Har Nal Kaur

United Kingdom

Teaches: The Harmonisers

Classes start: New Level 1 starting in March 2024 (dates TBC). Level 2 Harmonisers starting April 15 UK time. Level 1 Magdalenes starting April 1st (1st Monday of the month.)

Classes held: Level 2 Harmonisers at 6.30pm UK time (3rd Monday of the month). Level 1 Magdalenes at 6.30pm UK time (1st Monday of the month.)

More About Har Nal
Bernadette King

Bernadette King


Teaches: The Harmonisers

Class starts: Next School will run October 2024. Contact me for dates.

Classes held: Two Saturdays a month from 9am to 12noon Swiss time.

More About Bernadette

Teachers of the Caretakers Of Sacred Light Path

Colin Stein

Colin Stein


Teaches: The Caretakers of Sacred Light

Class starts:  Next Level 1 school will start mid 2024. Contact me for dates. 

More About Colin
Nancy Cohen

Nancy Cohen

East Coast, USA

Teaches: The Caretakers of Sacred Light

Class starts:  New level 1 Path of the One Heart startsLevel 1 on September 29th. 10am-1pm EST.


More About Nancy
Guru Deva

Guru Deva


Teaches: The Caretakers of the Sacred Light

Class starts: Level 1 already started in 2024.

More About Guru